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Violin Majors KS2

Music Majors Violin Class *Perform Violin *Sing *Have Fun *Move

Iniziato il 13 gen
20 sterline britanniche
23 Kirkstall Avenue

Descrizione del servizio

Violin Majors Club For Primary-Aged Children * Perform Violin * Sing * Have Fun * Move with HL Tutoring Services Monday (group class for Primary-aged children) with a friendly and experienced primary school teacher specialising in musical education. | Full course paid in advance | Please note the price is the same if you attend some or all of the classes. Violins are not provided. + Explore different playing techniques + Play and perform with others + Compose and improvise + Choose to participate in some or all of the classes. + Get your children up and moving. + Practise and learn fun songs. + Move and add actions. + Interact and connect with other children. ***** Violin Majors: for Key Stage Two+ (Year 3/Year 4/Year 5/Year 6/Year7) Children aged 7, 8, 9, 10 , 11 and/or 12 (and beyond) Mondays: 4.30-5pm (BST/GMT) 'Friendly and approachable' 'He looks forward to the sessions.' 'The best teacher a child could have' 'The teaching methods and creative ideas have been fantastic' 'I would recommend HL Tutoring Services' Find out more here: For information on other group classes offered visit If the dates and times are not suitable or you prefer individual tuition then please consider private one to one tuition with HL Tutoring Services instead. Subjects include Violin, Primary English/Maths and adult English as a Foreign Language. Prices will vary. *************

Prossime sessioni

Regole di annullamento

*** Cancellation Policy HL Tutoring Services reserves the right to charge the client the agreed lesson price if a lesson is cancelled with less than 24 hours of notice or if there are an excessive number of reschedules. One to one lessons can only be rescheduled (within one week of the original lesson date and time) subject to HL Tutoring Services' availability. Group lessons or group classes cannot be rescheduled. Fixed Early Bird courses cannot be rescheduled. Payments are non-refundable. *** Apologies for the American spelling on certain parts of the website. This will be dealt with in due course. Thank you! *** Le prenotazioni chiuderanno 3 giorni prima dell’inizio delle sessioni. Policy di cancellazione: HL Tutoring Services si riserva il diritto di addebitare al cliente il prezzo concordato per le lezioni qualora una lezione venga cancellata con un preavviso inferiore a 24 ore. Le lezioni individuali possono essere programmate solamente in base alla disponibilità di HL Tutoring Services. I corsi o le lezioni di gruppo non possono essere ripianificati. I pagamenti non sono rimborsabili. ***

Dettagli di contatto

  • 23 Kirkstall Avenue, Leeds, LS5 3DW

    + 07950598030

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HL Tutoring Services Leeds Online - High Quality Tuition in Primary Education, adult English as a Foreign Language and Violin
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